Happy Monday!

Thought this picture was perfect for a Monday.
Well howdy ya'll!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I know I did.. except for the fact that I worked all weekend. I guess you'll find out that I am not a worker. I mean I go to work and do what I have to do and then I like to relax and blog and do things that make me happy. Who doesn't like to do what makes them happy?
Did everyone have a happy Father's Day? I hope so. Like I said I worked, but I am blessed to be able to work with my parents every day in the summer. So in a way I got to spend all day with my father. For father's day we all pitched in and got my dad a nice new Weber Grill. My dad loves to grill and what not.
Now, today is my mom's birthday! She followed my dad up here when his dream was to own a resort. I am amazed at what she does every single day. In the summer months she wakes up at 3 in the morning and goes down to the restaurant to make pies and cinnamon rolls and other things to start the day. I love this woman and her dedication. Yes, I will say that no one in this family likes to own a resort, but for now its what we have to do. Every one in my family (besides my mom) pitched in and bought her gift certificates. One to go and get a pedicure and another gift certificate to have two one hour massages. We wanted to get her something that she could use for herself and not worry about the resort for that period of time. Yes she may not use them all at once, but they are hers now and she can use them as we wants. So Mom here is to you and what you do! Happy Birthday and I love you so much!
Hope you all have a great week and keep smiling because you never know who is watching! :)
Stopping by from the GFC Hop. Gorgeous blog, love! Looking forward to following your future posts.