Thursday, August 2, 2012

100 Strong and Grace update

Woo Hoo!!

I've hit 100 followers! 

This makes me VERY happy!
Thanks to all of you read my blog! 
I have a giveaway planned starting Monday for all of you WONDERFUL followers! I am having a busy weekend with work and Grace and everything else in between so I am very sorry to say that it will have to wait until Monday. Please stay tuned in for that though! I am very excited to have my very first giveaway on my blog! :D

Thanks to all of you who said, and to those who just did without saying, they would pray and be thinking about my friend Grace! :)
She is doing very well! They actually took her off of the medication for the coma this morning and she came out of it well. She is able to open her eyes and look around. She can give thumbs up on her right had side 75% of the time and 25% of the time on her left (lower on her left because that's where her clavicle is broken so its probably painful. Last I knew she was given pain medication at one o'clock this afternoon and so far she hasn't needed any more. SHE IS ONE TOUGH LADY! Doctors say she might be able to leave sooner than they had expected. :) 


Well sorry to cut it short but I only had a little while to do a post, but I wanted to share the news about Grace and my giveaway! :D

Leaving you with a picture of my Ellie. 
Yes that is her.. underneath a couch. Silly silly girl.


  1. What kind of dog is Ellie? Perhaps a Dachshund? (Mine LIVES under the couch in the summer)
