Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It's graduation season! I can't believe that it has been 1 year already since I've graduated. I've started putting all of my graduation things in a shoe box and labeling it Graduation (obviously). I am trying to organize my life. I want to add here to say that my graduation things were put away they weren't just laying around everywhere I just wanted to put everything into one box. As I was looking around my house for something to help me organize I noticed that we had a bunch of shoe boxes. I used those and you can fit so much in there! I have one for everything I received my first year in college and then freshmen - senior year of high school. Its a great idea and the boxes are such perfect size.

Anyways I am extremely close to a lot of people graduating this year and I just want to say to all of them congratulations. I wish you all the best of luck in your first year of college and beyond. I hope you all never forget the friends you made in high school also all of the memories that you made throughout the years.

This picture here is at my graduation I was just making funny faces as my family was taking turns getting pictures with me. That will be a day I will never forget. My Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Colleen, Uncle Mel, Eric, Sammy, Brother and Sister, Mom, Dad and Aunt Debbie were all there.

There is a picture that I hope to post of my Grandma and Grandpa and I and my Grandpa was laughing and I love that picture. :)

Hope you all are having a great week! :)

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